Monday, November 29, 2010


It's down to three weeks.

In three weeks I move back to WI.

It's what I want to do
What I have to do
What I need to do
What I should do

And just like every other time
I move from anywhere
I'm starting to get a little sad

I mean,
I have met some pretty sweet people out here
I've made some crazy memories
I've done crazy things
I'll definitely miss it

I move too often
I meet too many people that I leave constantly
First it was Maryland
Then Oshkosh
Then Chicago
Now California
Back to Oshkosh
This summer _______
I kind of want to do an internship in D.C.

Basically I made friends here
That I'm going to lose
Because that's what happens
Every time
I make some great friends
And then we never speak again

You might say
"If you were really that great of friends
you'd keep in touch somehow"
And although that might be true to a certain extent
No matter how you look at it,
It's extremely difficult
To keep a friendship going when you move
15 states away

I don't know
I'm just doing what I always do
Start to realize I'm going to miss it
Three weeks before I leave
Just like I did with Osh

Just like I'll do
The next time I move


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

La da da da da da Na da da da da da

So here's the deal
Here's what I'm gonna lay down
It's gonna go like this

Down town's
theonlywayto go
Thinking about tomorrow won't change how i feel today

That's it
Uh huh

NO one's toes
can be replaced
6 minutes
tell your tea is ready

as a beaver

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Not to sound emo or anything....


not to sound emo BUT
i feel like i might as well write about everything in my blog
my friend here, hannah is from seattle
so she flew up there last night
and was going to come to cresent city
which is a half hour away
for thanksgiving with her family
and was going to pick me up on tuesday
which is my birthday

whelp that fell through
because a family friend is dying
and her mom has to take of her
so they're staying in seattle

so no big deal
i'll just be alone for my birthday
every single friend i have here
is gone
every single friend
all week long
so it's just me
doing nothing
talking on the phone
being bored
being lonely
not doing anything
all day long
all week long
every day

this sucks
thanksgiving day
there's supposed to be a dinner
for the international students
and the kids that couldn't make it home,
like, oh, me

and i just know
it'll be at like 11am
and i won't care enough
to wake up

worst birthday/thanksgiving ever

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Why is a creek in the forest the most beautiful sound i can think of?

I have two papers to write. I have one criitque. I have a bibliography due. I have a test due tomorrow. Im doing none of them. Instead im going to the forest.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Whelp, another great day in the life of Jaredo -- so far at 4pm I have woke up and taken a shower.... Almost too productive. I mean its veterens day, no school


It's 3:52am so I thought to myself "This would probably be the best time ever to go on your blog" and since I have literally NOTHING going on w/ my life. I said "might as well"

I'm watching a documentary called "American Teen" about this high school with crazy cliques -- and all was going good. Interesting. Weird. Entertaining. And then 28 minutes in, it becomes the most depressing thing I've seen in quite awhile. Not sure if I can finish the documentary...

check it:

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

You can't play the victim this tim

you never call me when you're sober

you only want it cause it's over

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


When I have homework, when it's time to write a paper , I stay up until 4am on the computer. Watching movies. Listening to music. Looking up random Supreme Court cases on Wikipedia I've never heard of. Looking up famous feminists. Looking at if they ever made anything of themselves. They always did. I look up news. Reading the latest headline in the LGBT community. Usually something bad. Usually some minister told a gay kid to kill himself. Nothing positive. I go onto my blog. I write about shit like this. I write about how I have nothing figured out. Not doing anything related to the paper. I go to bed. Wake up at 3pm. Think to myself, "at least it's not 4". Do things I regret, don't do things I need to be doing. Press "Repeat".

Why does everyone in California think that living a "care-free" life is okay 24/7? You get nothing done. You don't do anything productive.

You waste all of your time. Doing nothing at all. Being no one at all.

I miss you Wisco.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I feel like I have 600 things to do but I can't remember a single one

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Little Blue Car

I was in a van tonight
And I was in the back seat
And the driver was smoking a cigarette
And his window was all the way downd
It was too cold in the back
But I didn't say anything

Remember your
Little blue car?
And how we would
Drive in it for hours.

Remember when that guy
Stole a safety pin
In study hall
So after school
When we went for a drive
We'd have something
To poke an old beer can with.

Remember how
We went to Perkins
Every week
And chain smoked
And hope to God
No one that knew us were there

Remember how
A guy took a video of us
In the KFC parking lot?
Remember how excited I was

Remember how I kissed you
Because I wanted to kiss him
And he wanted to drive
And you didn't care
And I didn't care

That was stupid
It didn't matter at the time

I miss that
Little blue car

The little blue car
That knows
Every secret about me.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm sure

I'll never regret.

Some things are
Too nice
To ever feel bad about

Some people
Are too nice
To ever wish
You never met

Too nice
To ever be sad about

I'm not sad
Am I?