Best Dictionary Ever-
Patriarchy: (see awful)
Awful: NOM, most Republicans
Socialist: Picture of Jesus
Feminist: Photo of J. Katz and I when we meet
Gavin Newsom: (see great)
Great: Male allies, San Fran's universal health care
Small: Photo of Lexi
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Posted by MonroeO at 4:05 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 29, 2010
It's down to three weeks.
In three weeks I move back to WI.
It's what I want to do
What I have to do
What I need to do
What I should do
And just like every other time
I move from anywhere
I'm starting to get a little sad
I mean,
I have met some pretty sweet people out here
I've made some crazy memories
I've done crazy things
I'll definitely miss it
I move too often
I meet too many people that I leave constantly
First it was Maryland
Then Oshkosh
Then Chicago
Now California
Back to Oshkosh
This summer _______
I kind of want to do an internship in D.C.
Basically I made friends here
That I'm going to lose
Because that's what happens
Every time
I make some great friends
And then we never speak again
You might say
"If you were really that great of friends
you'd keep in touch somehow"
And although that might be true to a certain extent
No matter how you look at it,
It's extremely difficult
To keep a friendship going when you move
15 states away
I don't know
I'm just doing what I always do
Start to realize I'm going to miss it
Three weeks before I leave
Just like I did with Osh
Just like I'll do
The next time I move
Posted by MonroeO at 2:38 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
La da da da da da Na da da da da da
So here's the deal
Here's what I'm gonna lay down
It's gonna go like this
Down town's
theonlywayto go
Thinking about tomorrow won't change how i feel today
That's it
Uh huh
NO one's toes
can be replaced
6 minutes
tell your tea is ready
as a beaver
Posted by MonroeO at 2:19 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Not to sound emo or anything....
not to sound emo BUT
i feel like i might as well write about everything in my blog
my friend here, hannah is from seattle
so she flew up there last night
and was going to come to cresent city
which is a half hour away
for thanksgiving with her family
and was going to pick me up on tuesday
which is my birthday
whelp that fell through
because a family friend is dying
and her mom has to take of her
so they're staying in seattle
so no big deal
i'll just be alone for my birthday
every single friend i have here
is gone
every single friend
all week long
so it's just me
doing nothing
talking on the phone
being bored
being lonely
not doing anything
all day long
all week long
every day
this sucks
thanksgiving day
there's supposed to be a dinner
for the international students
and the kids that couldn't make it home,
like, oh, me
and i just know
it'll be at like 11am
and i won't care enough
to wake up
worst birthday/thanksgiving ever
Posted by MonroeO at 12:08 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Why is a creek in the forest the most beautiful sound i can think of?
Posted by MonroeO at 4:42 AM 0 comments
I have two papers to write. I have one criitque. I have a bibliography due. I have a test due tomorrow. Im doing none of them. Instead im going to the forest.
Posted by MonroeO at 2:48 AM 1 comments
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Whelp, another great day in the life of Jaredo -- so far at 4pm I have woke up and taken a shower.... Almost too productive. I mean its veterens day, no school
Posted by MonroeO at 6:06 PM 1 comments
It's 3:52am so I thought to myself "This would probably be the best time ever to go on your blog" and since I have literally NOTHING going on w/ my life. I said "might as well"
I'm watching a documentary called "American Teen" about this high school with crazy cliques -- and all was going good. Interesting. Weird. Entertaining. And then 28 minutes in, it becomes the most depressing thing I've seen in quite awhile. Not sure if I can finish the documentary...
check it:
Posted by MonroeO at 5:52 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
You can't play the victim this tim
you never call me when you're sober
you only want it cause it's over
Posted by MonroeO at 2:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
When I have homework, when it's time to write a paper , I stay up until 4am on the computer. Watching movies. Listening to music. Looking up random Supreme Court cases on Wikipedia I've never heard of. Looking up famous feminists. Looking at if they ever made anything of themselves. They always did. I look up news. Reading the latest headline in the LGBT community. Usually something bad. Usually some minister told a gay kid to kill himself. Nothing positive. I go onto my blog. I write about shit like this. I write about how I have nothing figured out. Not doing anything related to the paper. I go to bed. Wake up at 3pm. Think to myself, "at least it's not 4". Do things I regret, don't do things I need to be doing. Press "Repeat".
Why does everyone in California think that living a "care-free" life is okay 24/7? You get nothing done. You don't do anything productive.
You waste all of your time. Doing nothing at all. Being no one at all.
I miss you Wisco.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:00 AM 3 comments
Monday, November 8, 2010
I feel like I have 600 things to do but I can't remember a single one
Posted by MonroeO at 12:39 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Little Blue Car
I was in a van tonight
And I was in the back seat
And the driver was smoking a cigarette
And his window was all the way downd
It was too cold in the back
But I didn't say anything
Remember your
Little blue car?
And how we would
Drive in it for hours.
Remember when that guy
Stole a safety pin
In study hall
So after school
When we went for a drive
We'd have something
To poke an old beer can with.
Remember how
We went to Perkins
Every week
And chain smoked
And hope to God
No one that knew us were there
Remember how
A guy took a video of us
In the KFC parking lot?
Remember how excited I was
Remember how I kissed you
Because I wanted to kiss him
And he wanted to drive
And you didn't care
And I didn't care
That was stupid
It didn't matter at the time
I miss that
Little blue car
The little blue car
That knows
Every secret about me.
Posted by MonroeO at 1:21 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 5, 2010
I'm sure
I'll never regret.
Some things are
Too nice
To ever feel bad about
Some people
Are too nice
To ever wish
You never met
Too nice
To ever be sad about
I'm not sad
Am I?
Posted by MonroeO at 3:54 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 28, 2010
i hope
she's beautiful
and when she's 13
she comes out to the family
at thanksgiving
and i'll be there
and i'll give her a hug
and i'll tell her i love her
and i'll laugh at the shocked look
on everyone's faces
and you'll finally have to admit
i'm no different from you
and you'll finally have to admit
you're wrong
and eventually
you'll have to accept it
she'll have a son
he'll grow up
look just like
and maybe
just maybe
i'll start to talk to you again
at her son's graduation
i'll tell him congrats
and then i'll walk over to you
by the punch bowl
and i'll say
i'm sorry
that i let our entire lives slip by
without ever
letting you into mine
Posted by MonroeO at 7:51 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tonight did nothing good for me
That's about
As simple as I can put it
Posted by MonroeO at 3:01 AM 1 comments
Monday, October 4, 2010
I knew you'd never understand. Not sure why I even bothered
Posted by MonroeO at 10:46 AM 0 comments
I let myself
become addicted to things too easily
I pick up bad habits too quickly
I have a problem quitting anything I know I should
I think my subconscious mind likes it
I think my subconscious mind
Thinks it makes me more interesting
Maybe it's not subconscious at all
I know when I take things too far
I know when I should stop
But a part of me won't let me
A part of me
Likes going down the wrong path
Likes doing things
I know I shouldn't
Likes skipping class
And sleeping through life
And listening to the same song
40-60 times in a row
Or watching the same episode of Glee
Countless times
Why do I think that's okay?
I become obsessed with things
So quickly
I see something I like
And I obsess over it
I think about it all the time
Until I get sick of it
Like a Glee song I never want to hear again
I've listened to it too many times
I've watched the episode the song is in
Too many times
Where it's not even enjoyable anymore
I think I want someone else's life
Not that mine is that bad
But I just see a TV show
And love some character's life
So much
I just want to be them
Or I want to be the actor
So I read everything I can about that person
And I fall in love
With someone I don't know
Or probably have anything in common with
It's sick really
It's a disgusting habit
Maybe that's a personality trait
Rather than a habit
I'm going to try to go
This whole week
Without doing something retarded
My roommate thinks its a great idea
He said "Yeah, definitely
Let's go to all of our classes this week"
But I know
Neither of us will last
I'll be in the bathroom
Something will remind me of it
Or I'll see something
And I'll call my roommate
And he'll come over
And we'll break our week
Of not being retarded
I don't have any temporary goals for myself
I don't have anything I've set for myself
I just realized
This is a horribly depressing blog post
That I don't really want anyone to read
But it needs to be public
Someone needs to know
I've starting doing nothing with my life
I told someone yesterday
About you
And she kind of freaked out
She hit me
And asked me how stupid am I
I was a little taken aback
"Is that weird?" I asked
And she said
"Ummm... yeah
If someone only calls you
From pay phones
I think that's a sign
That it's not okay"
I tried to defend you
I tried to think of the last excuse you told me
So I could say it to her
And she what she would say
We stopped making sense after that
She had a few glasses of wine
I had a few of something else
We did the most retarded things ever
She drove a car
And I'm not sure which one of us thought that was
At all
But she did
I didn't stop eating
Junk food
I haven't eaten a real meal
A full meal
The amount of food
A 19 year old should in a day
In probably
20 days or so
I eat ice cream
And soda
And candy
Why the fuck
Did that become my diet?
I need to get out
Before I sink in
I need to stop
Before I can't anymore
I need to go home
Get my life together
Do something
Meet someone
Get a job
Make normal friends
Eat everyday
Quit watching Glee
I've never thought of that
What the fuck would I do without Glee?
I base every week off of it
I stay up until 3am on Tuesdays
Waiting for someone to put it online
And then I watch it
Or listen to the songs on that episode
Dozens of times
I can't even think about it
That seriously makes me depressed
Something needs to change
I'll let you know what it is
Once I figure it out
Posted by MonroeO at 3:13 AM 2 comments
This is my 100th post
What have I written about 100 times? Seems pretty crazy that I started this 100 entries ago, and haven't really said anything this entire time. I don't know what to do anymore. It's 1a.m. and I have no reason to go to bed. Like, I have class at noon. I woke up at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
I've done that probably 3 or 4 times since moving to Humboldt. I never take a nap during the week ever, and then Saturday comes around and I fucking sleep until 2 or 3 or 4 in the afternoon. I've never done that before. Wtf is wrong with me?
I think I need to move back to WI just so I can fucking not be the laziest human being alive. Yes, I'll probably sit in my room and stare at the computer screen looking at Facebook and reading the news. Over and over and over again.
But at least then, I'll -- I don't even fucking know. Why is it better to do nothing there than it is to do nothing here? Like, WTF. The more I think about it the more confusing it is. I literally do nothing at all, all day long. I don't fucking get it. I don't get who I've become. I don't get why I do anything that I do out here.
I'm wasting time. I'm waiting for something. I'm waiting for something to happen to make me change my life and get the fucking picture. Like, once I graduate and I get a job, will I still be doing nothing? Will I still be the same fucking weird person that sits in the same chair everyday and doesn't do anything? I just don't understand.
What do I think I'm doing with my life? Because it's not much of anything. I'm affecting no one's life as I sit here. I'm not contributing in any way to society. I'm not participating in life. I'm spending time on Facebook hoping someone has messaged me or written on my wall.
Or I go on here and write something stupid. Or read Google News to stay updated...for whatever reason.
I don't write any papers that I know are due. I don't read at all -- even though I should.
I fucking do. Absolutely. Nothing.
What's wrong with me?
Posted by MonroeO at 2:58 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
That's me in the corner
That's me in the spotlight
Losing my religion
Trying to keep up with you
And I don't know if I can do it
Oh no, I've said too much
I haven't said enough...
To put it simply, I'm wasting my life away in this yellow chair in this tiny room on this orange computer for days at a time. I need to do something
Posted by MonroeO at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
I want to be special
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want to be special
So very special
Posted by MonroeO at 2:55 AM 0 comments
I feel like I should write something
Even though I've got nothing to write
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at
Nothing at
Nothing at all
Nothing at
Nothing at all
Nothing at
Nothing at all
Nothing at
Nothing at
Nothing at all
Nothing at
Nothing at all
Posted by MonroeO at 2:19 AM 0 comments
something thats weird about me
the only compliments
that i
are from
complete strangers
that i meet one time
i will never even meet them
i dont know why
thats just me
Posted by MonroeO at 1:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 23, 2010
My dreams
If you'd like to visit again
In my dreams tonight
I'd be okay with that.
I'd love it.
I know what I want to say to you now.
I want to say
"I can't wait to see you again"
UGH I really can't.
Please come <3
Posted by MonroeO at 3:35 AM 0 comments
Phone Call
I was talking to someone
Someone I talk to everyday
And you beeped in
I always put every
Thing on hold for you.
If I wouldn't have answered
You might not have called me
For a few months
Or called me as I'm driving home from a friends house
In the middle of night
You might have been on X
You might have asked if I was high
But you were too fucked up to know
What the word "high" meant
And just for the record
I wasn't fucking high
I was probably pissed
You chose to call
You were living in Memphis
Living in a hotel room
Living with people I hate
Living with people you know I hate
I don't want to hear him in the background
What could possibly make you think
I'd be okay with hearing his
In the background?
Sometimes you don't think
Sometimes I wonder if I know you at all
I feel like
Talking to you
I'm not strong enough to handle that
Posted by MonroeO at 3:18 AM 0 comments
A girl from a while ago
Well, I went to your page today and almost started crying. You changed your display picture so I thought "might as see what she's been up to". Wow. I miss you. I want to go back a few years and we can talk and text and you can show me new music and I can tell you you're pretty.
It just made me extremely sad. Also reading an article my mom sent me because she thought I might "enjoy reading it" made me feel like shit.
Fuck everything
I miss freshman year of high school. Everything made sense. Everything was normal. I had a good group of friends. I made new friends. I came out. I ate everyday. It was just so fucking easy.
And then we come to today. I'm listening to "Monster" by Meg and Dia which is an automatic downer lol.
It's 1:15 am and I haven't started a paper that's due tomorrow.
I don't know how to say "hey" to you again. It's been too long. Are you engaged? That rips my heart in half. It makes everything 100% final.
Posted by MonroeO at 3:09 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Not sure why I wrote that as though my computer isn't a foot away from me and my blog was my best friend...
Posted by MonroeO at 4:45 AM 0 comments
Just watched the first episode of season 2 of Glee Not sure how I felt about it. Sam's too manly for my liking. Seems like it could be awkward with kurt and him
Posted by MonroeO at 4:43 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 20, 2010
Remember to look only at tonights
Not the one about waking up late
Ugh I had all these other corrections
MIgh hat to say I love you
Adios amigos
Hasta la guerra
Modos y OVO
Posted by MonroeO at 2:02 AM 0 comments
That was embarrassing
that was kind of embarrassing that i sent that to her :S now i feel kind of bad
im just at a different level
That ever before
Like lever 3 of Kurby with the shark
And its the hardest thing in the entire world?
That one?
Yeah that's a way different level
Harder than all the ones before it
Okay well whatever
I'll get over it
Good night Moon
Good night chairs
Good night ducks and that kangaroo
Good night honey
In your underwear
Posted by MonroeO at 1:53 AM 0 comments
This is just wrote my friend Brook on FB though I should Share
posted a new blog. Ate a rice crispy bar
Anyway idk. it just seems like that could happen. Have you ever heard of Taraji P. Henson? Because two of my lesbian friends both like her, and it seems like all lesbians listen to the same music. Or the same people. Fuck I thought you were my blog for a second. This might not make sense and be embarrassing
Okay I really dont have that much more to say. I have a dance audition at 10:30. Hope that's not awkward
I need that credit though. I fucking NEED that credit. And I need to drop my Social Work class by tomorrow at 5. But he needs to "Review" to see if I get the class waived. Either way if he approves it or denies it, it doesn't matter I can't be in the class because I've missed too many days. SO... Idk WTF to do. Now I'm freaking myself out dude. FREAKING MYSELF OUT Dude
I might be a failure. UGh I thought you were my blog agian. Let it slide
I should go now before I start ranting again. Ill have to talk to you later
Love you. FOREVERE MUFF :) <3 <3<3
Posted by MonroeO at 1:43 AM 1 comments
Let me put it to you this way,
So here's the deal
This is what it all boils down to
I can't stay at Humboldt
If I want to graduate any where NEAR 4 years...
SO I probably won't be here next semester
I'll probably move back to Osh
And then once I'm there for a little
I'll say "I'm bored of this. I hate the snow"
My parents will say
"You're the one that wanted to come back
You chose to do this
You could have stayed in California"
I know that's exactly what they'll say.
I don't know
I just have a bad thinking in my head
I mean, c'mon
It's just I'm worried I'll say I hate it again
That'd really put in a pickle
Fuck pickles.
Anyway, I also might just transfer to a different school
Within the National Student Exchange
I was thinking
Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff
That's a really liberal town
And I've been there 3 times
2 of them I can remember.
I don't remember THAT much
But, when we stepped out of the car
The temperature was 112 degrees
And I remember thinking "Gosh darnet
That's the highest it's ever been"
At least to me.
Well IDK wtf to do
Maybe I'll go to Arizona
Or maybe I'll go back to Osh
Or MAYBE I'll just stay here
Maybe that..
That might be the easiest
It might make the most sense
I always do this
I move somewhere
After a couple weeks
I'll say I want t o leave
I'll say I want to go to a different state
And then I'll just stick with it
That's just what I'll do
I might go home at semester though
I need everyone there
I know I'm going to hate it
But I just need a school
That I know cares about me
You know what I'm saying
Now I can start going back to the LGBT meetings
On campus
After Nick was a dickwad
I stopped going
Because I knew he'd be there
Maybe at semester when I start going
There will be some cute freshman
Who will see me
And want me
Like this music video:
She's the last of the English
Yeah, So I could go to the meetings
And go to Toppers
And come home when I wanted to
And go to the library almost anytime of day
And just be free
I will be transferring back
I've decided
Why am I homesick?
I've never been homesick.
God, that'd be nice
If Wisconsin was warm
and Wisconsin
Was super liberal
And strict gun laws
And gay marriage
And liberal people
And good
But honestly
There are some liberal places
And there are some liberal people
In Madison or something
They have domestic partnerships
Which is 22% of the legal rights
Which is quite a bit honestly
I just want kids really
Isn't that what everyone wants
When they get married
They check them out and think
"Maybe we'll have a family someday"
Doesn't everyone do that?
Idk maybe not...
I just want a fucking boyfriend
And Oshkosh
To be liberal
Super fucking liberal
I know that if the wrong guy becomes governor
They'll strip away our rights
I shouldn't have eaten that food
This close to bed time
Idk how my sleep's going to go
I hate politics
I wish the best guy would win
I honestly with the best girl wins
But that's out of the question
I wish he or she thought just like me
I think my best candidate would be
The governor of Mass
Or Russ Fiengold
Or Obama 10 years ago
He was on the IL floor in 1996 and voted
That gays and lesbians
Should get marriage
And he said yes
And then he became moderate
I hate the term
"Commitment Ceremony"
I like the term "Husband"
I like the term "Wedding"
I would think my mom would know
What I wanted to be called
She also calls my (girl)friend's girlfriend "a friend"like "Is her friend in town" and stuff like that
It's kind of weird.
Anyway I dont think I've got anything else to say
Posted by MonroeO at 1:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
I woke up at 3pm today
I woke up at 3pm today
Your mom texted me
She gave me your phone number
She said you wanted me to have it
I said thanks
I said I'd call you soon soon
I said I was glad you were where you are
Why the fuck did that happen?
I kind of want you to call me....
Posted by MonroeO at 8:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
the first snow fall
So... I'm starting to miss A LOT of things about Wisconsin
Lemme just tell you them all, right now:
i miss the leaves changing colors in WI.
and hanging out with everyone.
and scotty's at oshkosh.
and getting pizza hut at scotty's in oshkosh
and going to blackhawk at oshkosh
and all my real friends from oshkosh
and eating with connie everyday
and having someone to eat with everyday
and the lesbians at oshkosh.
and the classes at oshkosh.
And rob/val
And crystal
and no one being from anywhere besides wisconsin.
and being home for every little thing.
and being able to tell every second of my life to becky and jordy in person
and Brooke.
and lauren.
and chloe.
And sam hofer
and liz
and all my other friends that occasionally show up to central Wisco
and not having gazebos
not having to do laundry.
fucking drunks on the weekends even though i hated them.
omfg Toppers.
and Culvers.
my bad cat maybz
I miss Eden even though she doesn't like me
And Quinn who really does like me.
LIZ ugh.
Her life.
That one guy
Who calls me at random times
And lauren's house in biron
Buster to a certain extent.
Never having to think about where to get alcohol from
Even though I don't really drink at all
and Food
Any kind of food
and my car
and watching movies with sam and xander
and hanging out with everyone that was friends with kim
and doing nothing with lauren
and doing whatever the hell me and liz can find things to do
and just DRIVING AROUND with chloe
anything at all
. and every. fucking. thing. about. god. damned. homophobic. cold. annoying. bitchy. wisconsin
i hate so much of it
so much of it sucks
but theres so many fucking things
that i miss
like the first snow fall that will happen in a couple weeks
i'll be in california
the first flakes of the season
will fall without me
Posted by MonroeO at 2:30 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 6, 2010
Oh My God
I just scored an 88% on my Ocean quiz. A FUCKING 88
I couldn't be happier
Even though I studied for about 6 hrs.
Posted by MonroeO at 3:22 AM 1 comments
So right now,
I'm attempting to finish this quiz online for Oceanography. It's nearly impossible. Not really sure if it could possibly harder. This is the problem I really have no fucking clue what the answer is:
Consider a radioactive isotope (called "A") with a half life of 50 million years that decays to a stable isotope (called "B"). You measure both isotopes in a rock and find 15 times as much "B" as you do "A". Based on this, how old is the rock in millions of years? Please list only the number corrsponding to your answer without any units.
WHAT THE FUCK?! I do not know what to do. At all. Not even a fucking little bit. Jesus H. W. Christ. UGH I don't have a clue what to even write down to attempt to solve it. We did not learn how to do this at all. And he spelled corresponding wrong.
So as I contemplate killing my computer, I'm listening to the song "Peacock" by Katy Perry and old songs from Glee.
I hate life right now. So bored. So not happy. FUCK
Posted by MonroeO at 3:04 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I had a dream about my firend Kim
So, last night I had a dream about Kim, for the first time in quite awhile. I'm not sure if she's ever actually been in one of my dreams before.
After Kim passed I had a reccurring nightmare where I was in the car with her. I'm pretty sure it was her. Or I was her. Something about it was strange.The dream was terrifing. We just kept on driving on and on and never stopped at any stop light. I kept on telling myself we needed to stop but for some reason we couldn't.
It happened over and over and over again for what seemed like the entire night. And I could never make myself wake up. It happened quite a few nights in a row...
But the months passed, and we come to last night.
So, I don't really remember the beginning of it, it was a dream so it's bound to not make a ton of sense. It started with Krista and I; we were outside of a building sitting on some benches and there was a window where we could see Sam and Joellen sitting inside on the floor and talking about Kim.
It seemed like it was after Youth Group and we all were meeting up somewhere to hang out, but it was somewhere I'd never been before. We felt so sorry that Sam and Joellen wanted her to be there that I decided to knock on the window just a couple times.
It was in the hope that they would think it was Kim just stopping by, making a little noise to let you know she was still with us.
I heard Sam "I bet that was Jared or Krista" and Sam came outside to find us and said "You guys, come inside, Kim's here!" And I didn't know what to say. It was such a realistic dream that I had no idea what was going on.
We hurried inside and there was Kim. Sitting with everyone and talking. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless. My mouth was dry and I kept on rubbing my eyes. Saying "Pinch me this has to be a dream" -- which it was, but I didn't wake up yet. Everyone was just telling her what was new in their life and all I wanted to know was why she couldn't come back to life. Come back and live in Port Edwards again. The conversation we had went something like this...
Me: Kim, what's going on?
Kim: *laughs* You're excited to see me, Jared?
(I had forgotten how amazing her smile was)
Me: Kim, oh my god, yes. Where have you been?
Kim: I had to go for awhile
Me: Where? Where did you go? Why did you have to go?
Kim: I don't know. I can't come back though. Just came to stop by. I wanted to see how you were all doing.
Me: Kim, I miss you so much. When can we see you again?!
Kim: Don't worry about it. Don't think about it too much.
Sam: What do you mean? You aren't coming back to visit again?
Kim: No, you guys. I might come back. I might not. Don't get your hopes up and wait for me every night. If I show up, I show up but I don't want your lives to revolve around the next time I'll show up.
Joellen: But we all want you to come back
Krista: Just for a couple hours even.
Kim: Let's just enjoy tonight you guys. I'm glad we're all together again.
I didn't really know what to say. I just wanted to hear her voice.
I don't remember much of the conversation after that, or what we were doing. It was just all of us hanging out like old times and I could hardly contain myself. I just kept on trying to memorize her face and her smile and everything that was happening. She seemed so happy. It was amazing.
I felt like I should share this, because it was absolutely insane. I really do feel like I saw Kim last night and she was actually saying those things to me. I can't really explain the feelings it brought about, all I can say is I am so glad I had that dream.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:14 AM 0 comments
What is life?
It is the flash of a firefly in the night.
It is the breath of a buffalo in the winter time.
It is the little shadow which runs across the grass
And loses itself in the Sunset.
--Crowfoot, 1890
Posted by MonroeO at 12:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 30, 2010
I started saying "Dude"
I started saying "Dude"
And "man" after
Or before
Or in the middle
Of every sentence
And every other person
That came here from a different state
Or a different part of California
All did too
I say it as often as I say "like"
...which is too often
And I've increased my swearing
By 100%
Words I didn't
And never will pick up:
"Hella as shit, man"
Typical conversation
Kyler: Dude, I think raisins might be my favorite thing ever.
Me: Shut the fuck up, man
Kyler: No, I'm fucking serious. Like, out of any category... it's always raisins.
Me: Dude, what's your favorite TV show? Raisins?
Kyler: Well no.. just like nothing even compares to them
3 Hours later through text messages
Me: Dude, I'm about to eat four granola bars. The fucking Jolly Giant closed at 7
Kyler: Go for it dude
Me:... I just ate fucking four granola bars. I think granola bars might be better than raisins
Kyler: Fuck that, man. Raisins are fucking tight as hell.
Me: Fuck that, dude.
An hour later... Kyler wakes me up at 2am
Kyler: DUDE, everyone at this party wants you to come
Me: Shut the fuck up, man
Kyler: Not joking like 10 people asked where you were
Me: 10 people don't know me, how many actually asked
Kyler: Two...
Me: Were they both girls?
Kyler: Yeah, man
Me: Dude, fuck you. Gross.
Posted by MonroeO at 11:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 28, 2010
I hid in a bathroom for an hour last night.
I forgot about you for an hour last night.
I didn't talk about you.
I had to stay silent
For an hour
Last night
Posted by MonroeO at 4:11 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 27, 2010
Likes and Dislkes
*Likes and Dislikes*
Favorite Female Artist (Straight): Britney
Favorite Female Artist (Bi): Lady G
Favorite Female Artist (Gay): Tracy Chapman
Favorite Band: Tegan and Sara
Favorite Female Black Author: Maya Angelou, Toni Morrison, Alice Walker, Lorraine Hansberry (tie)
Favorite Books: The Color Purple, The Great Gatsby, Hanging on to Max, The Legacy of Luna, Autobiography of a Face
Favorite Overrated Series: Harry Potter
Favorite TV Shows: Glee, Crappy Reality Shows on MTV (Minus Jersey Shore), The United States of Tara
Favorite Movies: Alice in Wonderland (new), Brokeback, Never Been Kissed, The Bubble, Titanic, Milk
Favorite Actress (OF ALL TIME): Drew Barrymore
Favorite Actor: James Franco/Brad Pitt (Kind of the same person)
Music I HATE: Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Bob Marley
Music That's Probably Good (But I listened to it too often as a child): The Beatles, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
Favorite City (Less than a Million): DC
Favorite City (Over A million): Chicago
Favorite Animal: WOLVES (competes for a spot in my heart next to Drew Barrymore), Sea Turtles
Favorite Person: Niece/Nephews (tie.. obv)
Favorite Food: Pizza
Prettiest Place in the US That I Would Never Move to: Charleston, South Carolina
Prettiest Place I Might Move to when I'm 50: The North Woods of WI
Most Overrated Things: (see music I hate), School dances, Alcohol, vanilla pudding, meat
Most Underrated Things: Vegan Chocolate, Tofu, Cover bands from Youtube, Everything related to my "Favorite Actors" section, Baraboo WI
The 6 People I would Literally DIE to meet: 1) Drew Barrymore 2) James Franco 3) Lady Gaga 4) Justin Bieber/Alice Walker (They bring up similar emotions for me) 5) Michelle Obama
Countries I've Thought About Moving To: Israel, Iceland, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Sweden, Denmark
Things I Can't Live Without: My Wallet and Cellphone
Things I hate: When people don't know how to type correctly, people who don't think men and women should be 100% equal, when people are afraid of women in power, Middle-Eastern Islam because of their horrendous treatment of women -- it literally reminds me of the Nazis, people who they can sing -- when they can't, when my secret bands become famous, actually sort of loving the movie Avatar-- that's actually more embarrassing than anything else, Circuses, Animals put in small cages for human entertainment, Small children getting hurt, Atheists (they're just annoying really), Learning about cars, Regretting not talking to that one friend more often before you could never talk to them again, Car alarms, When people make fun of one of your best friends, moving every 6 months
Things I love: People overcoming adversity, my Native American Studies class, When people say "Native" instead of "Indian", when people say "Black" instead of "African-American", Quilting, Acoustic music, Small parties with my best friends, Finding somewhere where you're truly comfortable, Learning a new language (although I haven't really), when people get super attractive just from a haircut, the name Natalie, Listening to Tracy Chapman for hours on end, Writing on my blog, Eating Toppers, Eating Culvers, Eating OREOS, When I pick up someone's mannerisms from hanging out with them too often, When you pray about something and it works out, re-watching old episodes of glee
That pretty much sums me up :)
Posted by MonroeO at 12:24 PM 0 comments
I over-analyze absolutly ever situation imaginable. This is always happening to me.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:59 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
I've been thinking about you...
I've been thinking about you a lot again. Which sucks, sense I'm trying to enjoy myself in California. I've got to meet someone who isn't you. Thanks for the occasional phone call. Thanks for going to rehab for the 5th time... we all know it won't work but it's cool you're using your tribes money to try to convince yourself you're not wasting away your life... even though they somehow own 30 million dollars to Wisconsin. I honestly do miss you. I miss when we used to hang out -- when you didn't call me at awkward times. When I didn't have to drop everything to answer the phone because I never know when or if you'd ever call again. I hope treatment is doing something for you this time. It seems like South Dakota really should have fixed it all. They were everything you needed. It was suppose to work. Weren't you there for three months or something? I think you missed Thanksgiving and Christmas. You wrote me a letter. You said you were doing awesome. I don't want to date you for your life to get better. I want your life to get better because you finally learn from your mistakes. I check out circuit court every once in awhile. I check to see how many warrants are out for your arrest. The ones you "forgot" to mention to me. Like the felony that was dropped because your tribe made them drop it. That was cute. I'm taking a class this semester. I hope it teaches me about you and how you got the way you are. How we destroyed your culture and continue to destroy your people. I feel bad for what happened but why can't you just get the fuck with it and do something with your life.
I'm not really sure why I'm writing this letter to you. I know you'll never read it. You probably won't get to use a computer for a month. You told me you were going to be in treatment for a month, right? It was nice you said that, but I know you'll leave after 2 weeks because you're totally better. Or at least that's what you somehow convince yourself is the truth. Ugh. Don't come to California. Please don't. I know you're going to. I know you're going to find some weird ass way to get here. Stopping at every single state on the way to try some new drug you've never heard of before. Fuck that. This city is everything you don't need.
Call me, I guess. I'd like to hear what you think you'll do next. It's no use telling you the truth...
Posted by MonroeO at 9:29 PM 1 comments
Friday, August 20, 2010
Dear everyone from any major airport in the state of Calornia, this has been the worst day of my life, love jared
Posted by MonroeO at 6:17 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Give me one reason to stay here
And I'll turn right back around
I don't want no one to sqeeze me
It might take away my life
I'm too old to chasing you around
Posted by MonroeO at 6:14 PM 1 comments
Okay okay okay OKAY
So, here's the deal : I'll sit here. for however long you want me to sit here. So you can tell me what you want to tell me. I know how to write. I know how to read. I'll never know how to juggle 12 magic eight balls. But I'm okay with that. I'm okay never knowing most anything. My plans for my life are simple. Be happy. Meet a great guy. Get married. Adopt some kids. Watch them graduate. Watch them become somebody. Watch them live out my dream. I want to write. And so I will. I won't give up on that. No. Fucking. Way. At Humboldt, no one in the WORLD is going to be me. No one there knows anything about me -- and I'm okay with that. I mean, isn't that why I did this? So I could be normal someday? Okay so no one will know me and that means I'll never meet my husband. That's who I need to meet. Not some stupid boyfriend. I want him to be HIM. I can't fucking wait to see who it turns out to be. I want to write a book. I want to win awards with that book. That's what I'll do forever. Who will care about it? Oh, I know! NOBODY. God. No, but I really do. I think I should. I think I have a story that people need to know. It's important. It'll help someone survive. It will kill others. How can some memoirs tell their whole life story? Think about all the people I'm sure they hurt. When you write "I used to sleep with my highschool's quarterback" everyone in America is just reading that. But some guy. Somewhere. Who was that quarterback. His life is ruined. How do they do that? Obviously they have no facebook. Because you'd just be killed. And if you were that quarterback. I mean,
WTF would you do?
My books going to be about race relations, marriage. children. bombs. and then I fall aslepe Im going to sleeep in this chair like that.
That was embarassing. okay like the last time I wrote a journal entry like this, I emailed my friend Crystal and told her I was falling asleep. Well at that time my hand was falling asleep but now its my butt. I'm kind of sad to leave this story line so soon. But I must. I love you all. Each and everyone. All the time.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:26 AM 1 comments
Let me put it to you this way...
Someday? I'm gonna be somebody.
I'm gonna do something.
I'm gonna say all those things
You told me you should have said
After that party
When everyone was leaving
And you asked me
If I wouldn't just
Stay for a minute.
I stayed.
For more than a minute.
Someday I'll be those things
You wished you could have become
I'll be than guy in the crowd
That some people know his name
But most have no idea who he is
Who he actually is
Fiesta. Nueva.
There's all this stuff
I could say to you the next time you'll call
That sucks that I will never me
That type of somebdy
That's just not me
Posted by MonroeO at 12:20 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
"Dad I dont know what to pack"
"Start with the most important stuff in one suitcase and then the kind of important things in another and.... kitty in the last"
Posted by MonroeO at 10:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
I move on Thursday
I leave Wisconsin in two days
I leave home in two days
I go on a
Posted by MonroeO at 11:56 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Well... That'd'a been cool if I could have seen you before I leave, but you know...
Posted by MonroeO at 6:27 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 9, 2010
These are my saved text message:
From Tony: 5/10/10 1:26 pm
dough.. your a cool kid.. otherwise I wouldn't have stuck up for you yesterday
At the library the previous day, we were on the second level, which was the "quiet" area. I obviously laughed obnoxiously loud on accident and some bitch (let's be honest she had the right) said something really rude to me to be quiet and he totally told her off. No one's stuck up for me before
Sam Hofer: 5/15/10 3:57 pm
Okay... Shes gone jared... I cant believe it.... Theyre taking her off tonight so they can donate her organs....
I'm not 100% sure why I saved that text message. I read it probably every other day, trying to make myself believe the truth that Kim died but it's impossible for me to fully grasp.
Sam Hofer 5/15/10 4:19 pm
I know... I really want to be home... Were leaving in the morning...
That text came after I said I wish I could see her and something stupid because I couldn't think of anything else to say, like "it'll be okay".
Elle: 6/1/10 3:08 pm (will attach photo)
Yup, this would be the 'pimpin' key chain I stole from you in sixth grade. Found it in my cleaning frenzy. haha.
Pretty self explanatory.
Message from me to Crystal: 7/11/10 12:14 am
Yellow mell yell wetl they ase aeros 2dpoh 2dpoh being piano pillo shay pillo silly so that's dot not funny fun
Well... you see.... that wasn't a good night for me
Sam Hofer: 7/14/10 6:39 pm
Me too!! I havent been this happy in months! Its a beauiful day too! For the first time since kim passed, I feel like everything will be okay. :D Its amazing.
This was after Sam told me she was moving back to live with her parents for awhile and I said I was super excited for her. I think I had to save the most depress text message I ever recideved and the happiest one.
I'm not sure why I wrote all of these down, probably because my phone will eventually stop working and those texts will no longer exist. So i hope this is worth something...
Posted by MonroeO at 12:12 AM 2 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
I used to live alone before I knew you.
The feelings I feel toward you both
Are feelings I don't think I've ever felt before
If any of my best friends read this
They'll get pissed
But it's a different sort of friendship
Living with someone
Being around them 24/7
Working at the same place
Going out to eat at the same restaurants
Smoking the same hookah
Hearing the same gun shots
It's a friendship I've never had before
You're both closer than friends
A strange distance apart
From being family
It's unique to say the least.
We've all known each other
For only two months
But it feels like two years
Closer to two decades
You both helped me quit smoking
You made me quit smoking
You were with me
When I
Quit smoking
I don't know how to truly describe it
When one of you left you told me
You left a letter upstairs for me
But that you could never put in words
What our friendship actually was
And it was so true
There isn't really a word for it.
So tonight it was just me
And the other you
The other you who I became so close with
The other person
The third J.
I wouldn't say it ended well
It's like leaving a brother or sister
Or best friend
And not really knowing if you'll ever see each other
Kind of planning not to see each other again
So I think our last few days,
Be that conscious or subconscious
We slowly drifted apart from each other.
I'll miss you both so much
I'll try to move on
Since we all live
About as far apart as possible
Because I know
I can't wait around
Until our friendship picks back up
I hope you don't forget about me
I'll try my hardest
To never forget about you.
Part of me thinks
It'd be kind of awkward
Going from being each other's only friends
To going out to eat together one day
Years later
What could we even talk about?
We'll have forgotten all of our inside jokes.
I swear
I made more inside jokes with you
Than any of my other friends.
Simply by doing the
I definitely ate more freeze pops
Chicago Style pizza
and Kool-aid than with anyone else
No one's lived on the South Side of Chicago with me before
No one's played "punch me if you see a white person"
And sat there for 20 minutes at a bus stop
Not being punched
I've never had FT with anyone
No one else
Have I gone to the Emergency Room with
At 12 a.m.
Not out of want
But because that's what you'd do for someone
You really care about
No one else
Have I lost a cat with
Or got lost so many times downtown
Of any city
Or got locked out of a house
Or told
Some of the things I told you
Or had such bizarre experiences
Or learned Ebonics
Or felt like dying from heat exhaustion
Or realized so clearly
I needed you
Quite a bit more than you needed me
No one else have I done
Basically anything we did.
I never had as deep of conversations
Lasting as long.
My best friends all
Agree with me
Our political and religious conversations
Last for about 5 minutes
After we come to the conclusion
That we all feel the same way
That's the end of that.
I really don't want to leave.
I don't want to leave this church
Or this city
I know I fell in love with it
Much more than you did
I simply don't want to leave
This sucks
We're leaving each other
Maybe forever
I think we'll all be a little
Culture shocked moving back
To our hometowns
I'm moving to another new place.
You aren't.
I have to re-make friends all over again.
You don't
You were both so easy
To talk to.
I didn't have to try.
Things will be different there.
Things will never be the same.
I'll miss you both
I hope you find this someday
Take it easy
Posted by MonroeO at 11:50 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 7, 2010
It's sooo close
The closer I get to leaving the place
The worse I feel
As the hour ticks by
My heart
Begins to slowly
I'm already sad and I haven't even left yet
What could replace
Everything I've done here
Everywhere I've gone
Everything I've seen
Everyone I've met
Every bus ride taking me on a new adventure
Nothing can replace
Any of that.
How long will it be until I make it back here?
I'd like to say
"Not very long at all"
I'd like to say
"Maybe next weekend"
But in reality
It'll probably be a few years.
What do I need to come back here for?
It's merely a desire that
Doesn't need fulfilling
It's a problem
That doesn't need fixing.
It'd be nice
in an ideal world
To stay here
Or move here
Or to visit here
All good things must come to an end.
That might be
The hardest thing
I've ever had to accept.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:40 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
What's new in my life...
So here's the deal,
I just sent an extremely rude but to-the-point email to Humboldt Housing because next year (in total) it will cost around $30,000 and last year all together cost around $12,000. The whole point of doing this National Student Exchange was so it'd be the same price. So I don't know what the fuck to do. I emailed about switching my meal plan and apartment situation to make it a few thousand dollars cheaper, and all I got was an automated email about how my payment is due on the 10th. So that really pissed me off and I sent an email back about how apparently the email got to the wrong person and how I thought it was extremely rude and unprofessional to not even respond to the last email. I also said I might not get to go to Humboldt if they don't fucking (left that part out) email me back in time.
I'll probably regret sending that email in the morning but I dunno what to do. You'd think they would be more helpful. How the hell can college cost that much there? Like, honestly, who has that money? I don't understand it at all. I'm thinking about going there for 1 semester instead of the entire year since I clearly don't have that much money and feel like I'm a huge burden on my parents, because if I wasn't I would be able to go to whatever school I chose to go to.
This whole situatin is really pissing me off. I just want to become a flight attendent and travel the world. I might actually like that. A lady at church was talking about how she used to be the manager of some bank somewhere in Chicago but it was too stressful so she became a flight attendant instead and loves it.
Would that be a rewarding job, and do I really want to do it? I have no fucking clue. All I know is that I think it's my responsibility as a Christian to not care about money at all, so that's what I'm trying to do. There's such a fine line between being comfortable, and living an OK lifestyle, and being rich and being greedy with your money.
I hate this shit. I hate it all. I can't figure out anything. People say "you're 19, you're not supposed to have anything figured out" but that really ticks me off because, yeah -- okay, fine, whatever -- maybe that is true but I need to know where I go to school? Hello! God, I dunno. Maybe I'll never have anything figured out. I think it'd be cool to be a writer like Alice Walker or Maya Angelou or Toni Morrison, since they're powerful black women, like myself. But I'm not that good of a writer -- at all. So that dream quickly flys out the window.
I hate this.
Posted by MonroeO at 1:45 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 30, 2010
my cousin is coming to visit
i feel like i'm seven again
that's how excited i am
to see her
Posted by MonroeO at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I want a bookshelf
Maybe in my bedroom
Filled entirely
With female black authors.
Maybe a couple of bookshelves.
One might be in the kitchen.
Maybe there will be a whole library.
The wall paper
Will be a field of purple flowers
And the quote
"I think it pisses God off
When you walk by the colour purple in a field
And don't notice it."
Will be in the center
The authors that will
Fill these book shelves will be:
Maya Angelou,
the only nameable poet to the average American,
Toni Morrison,
the last American to win the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993,
Alice Walker,
who coined the term "womanist" and
Lorraine Hansberry,
the first black woman to have a play produced on Broadway.
They'll be the majority of my collection.
But surely they will not be the only ones.
I'll have multiple copies of "The Color Purple".
Every edition that has ever been printed.
Alice Walker will probably get her own shelf.
Maybe I'll label it "Alice's Art"
Or something cute like that.
There'll be a few purple flowers by it.
That book shelf will be covered in them.
No one can have too many purple flowers
Maybe people will glace at it
And wonder "Why are all of these authors
I won't answer right away
After awhile I'll say
"They're the only authors I like"
Which is kind of true.
They have written my favorite books.
But more importantly
They've overcome oppression.
That most people today
Haven't had to overcome.
They're black.
They're women.
They're all feminists.
They're womanists.
They make me continue to write.
The first black woman at anything is amazing.
But the first black woman author at something
Is an even greater achievement.
Oprah is hardly black.
Hallie Berry, see how I described Oprah.
Obama = Oprah
If Michelle Obama would have won
Instead of Barack Obama,
I'd consider the election more impressive.
This bookshelf will explain my life.
Posted by MonroeO at 3:06 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Best Lindsay Lohan tweet of all time.
the only "bookings" that i'm familiar with are Disney Films, never thought that i'd be "booking" into Jail... eeeks
Posted by MonroeO at 11:08 PM 0 comments
4 days left of STRIVE
13 days until I move home
21 days until I move to CA
__ days until I have anything figured out
Posted by MonroeO at 7:31 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I'll miss
I'll miss being the only white person
At any bus stop at any given time during any day
I won't miss the occasional other white person
At nighttime who looks lost
And they'll probably get mugged
I'll miss living with people I care a lot about
I won't miss the feelings I feel from thinking about what I'll do
Without them
I'll miss being able to take an hour long train ride
And be around a ton of gay people
I won't miss the train ride back where
The cute twinky guys slowly become straight black guys
I'll miss yelling "DIBS" every time I see a cute guy
I won't miss never having the balls to say
When they pass
I'll miss the city
I won't miss the sirens
I'll miss you
I won't miss who you've become
I'm on to another adventure
Wish me luck
Posted by MonroeO at 12:24 AM 0 comments
What You Don't Know
I'm moving away to get away from the memories
You're moving back to try to relive them
I'm trying to forget about everything
You're trying your hardest not to
We're in two completely different situations
I have no idea what you must be going through
But one thing I do know:
Moving home changes nothing
You're still the same person
The things that happened still happened
Your friends are all moving away from home
You'll never move again.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:20 AM 0 comments
That's cute how you thought saying sorry would affect how I feel about the situation at all.
Posted by MonroeO at 12:20 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 23, 2010
Dear Kimberlee,
I thought about you probably 50+ times today
That's more than I have in quite awhile.
I thought this was supposed to be getting easy but then I hear of some car accident or I see an old picture or I read our conversations we had on facebook over and over and over again until I get so confused about how close we really were.
Can you read this? If you can I would like to say, I wish I could have known you even better. I'll regret that until the day I die.
Posted by MonroeO at 1:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I lie in a field to feel the breeze
I walk through the woods to make believe
I clmb a hill, trying to get a little closer
To heaven
To see you
Posted by MonroeO at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
I never meant to say i'll miss you.
I'm choosing to forget to say goodbye.
Tell me sorry sometime
I'll answer with a question:
Posted by MonroeO at 2:27 PM 2 comments
If Myspace is anything like real life,
was I really you're 3rd best friend?
Posted by MonroeO at 12:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Well... These Dominos Breadsticks were a mediocre substitute for toppers. Ugh.
Posted by MonroeO at 11:45 PM 0 comments
July 20 2010
I just shaved my beard. It looks obnoxious.
I just ordered 8 cheesy breadsticks from Dominos.
The delivery charge was almost as much as the breadsticks themselves.
This blog is becoming facebook for me.
For some reason, I feel like it's okay to have poor grammar on here.
I'm starting to get mildly excited for Humboldt
And that's that.
Posted by MonroeO at 10:39 PM 0 comments
I'm sitting on my bed texting this entry instead of writing it. This is what my life is like...
Posted by MonroeO at 7:08 PM 1 comments
I deleted my other facebook. I now have zero. Thank God. I now can try to participate in life. Seriously. In real life. But now... this fucking blog has become my life.
Posted by MonroeO at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 19, 2010
Something's happenin' somewhere, Baby. I just know there is
So... tonight, I decided I HAVE to eventually delete my other Facebook. I created a second one like 2 years ago for only my "best friends" it started out with like 70 people. Now it's down to 32. That's a pretty good number. However, I've come to the conclusion that it has become my new addiction. I even started going on the fucking Farmville from that account. Obnoxious. Absolutely effing obnoxious. So anyway. My next goals: Quit: News. Blog.
Basically I check the news at least 4 or 5 times a day. It's not good. As if anything happens during that time period. And lately I've been going on here a lot too. I'm starting to think since this is more of my diary though instead of a blog that it's okay because who even reads this?
I'm in frckn' Chicago, going online all day long. I can do that anyway -- I can't do Chicago things anywhere else, and it's taken until I have 2 weeks left to realize that. I've also put my "need" for an iPhone/smartphone on hold, since the only reason I actually wanted one was to go online all day long. The people I know and care about have my phone number. They can call. We can meet up. Facebook isn't needed for that.
Although Facebook makes it super easy to keep in contact with friends you couldn't otherwise keep in contact with, it's almost like that's all I'm doing -- or I'm talking to my roommates on Facebook during the periods of time when we aren't together. Facebook could have been a great idea if you actually stayed with your 30 or so actualy friends and not 450+ friends you don't care about.
It's whatever. I want to say I'll stay off forever, but I'll probably be back on by next week. The main concern I have is I've sort of stoped participating in life. I'm not going outside of the house for longs amounts of time. I'm writing on this fucking blog instead of reading a book. I'm bored. I need to get out and do something...
I'll let you (Crystal since I think you're the only one that reads this) know what my final verdict is
Posted by MonroeO at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Right Now
In a couple months.
I'll write down everyone
I'm still talking to
From every place
I've ever been.
I hope you're one of them
Posted by MonroeO at 9:05 PM 1 comments
Come on baby, give me one last look.
I think about not going to sleep for months at a time
I think about all of the things I could accomplish
If I didn't do ____
Fill in the blank.
Sometimes I want
Specific people
To read this blog
When I know most of those people
Are probably unaware it exists.
I'm really trying to not go to sleep tonight
There's so much I could be doing
I turn on my fan too high
So paper and wrappers
From junk food
Blow around in my room
And I have to turn up my speakers
On my computer
Just to over-play a cover of a Bruce Springsteen song
Too loud
So they pop, making my need
For a new computer grow
More than it should
I just.
Want to leave Chicago.
It's not even like this is the best place there is
It's not as if I could see myself
Living here
It's just it'd be so nice
To stay put for a little while.
Over a period of 16 hours or so
I listen to a song 73 times in a row.
I just did.
And by the time I finish this letter
... at 1 or so
Hopefully it'll be closer to 90
And then I can say
In less than 24 hours
I listened to a song 90 times
I should write that somewhere
Somewhere on my bedroom wall
In cheap lipstick
So it would be
Nearly impossible to remove
Sometimes I miss old parts of my life
Old places I used to hang out
Old people I'll never see again
and I don't know what to do
I pretend I've got it all figured out
I say where I'm from
I say where I'm at
I say where I'm going
And then I don't say anything else
And people eat that shit up
They believe it.
Sometimes I realize
The stuff I write on here
Is probably a little too personal
And if the people that I wish would read it
Actually did read it
They might be a little offended
Or confused
I don't let myself get close enough to people
Because I hate saying goodbye
Because I deleted my Facebook
So now
Might really mean forever.
"I am nothing but tired
I'm just tired and bored with myself
Hey there baby
I could use just a little help
You can't start a fire
You can't start a fire without a
I care about the wrong people
I talk to the wrong people
I don't say the right things
I write dumb poems on a blog no one reads
And somehow
Some one is telling me
It'll all be okay
Hey, I got done at 12:50
10 minutes early
But I only listened to the song
81 times
So for now,
My walls stay white.
We'll see each other before you know it
Posted by MonroeO at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 17, 2010
blah catz
so... my time in Chicago is almost up. Goals I made for my summer mostly never came true. Things I wanted to see, I didn't get to. People I was positive I would hang out with -- I didn't. And we keep moving on.
I somehow find a way to make saying goodbye as hard as possible.
F this
Posted by MonroeO at 1:26 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
So, as I'm sitting here at 1:11 a.m. with work in the morning I can't stop thinking about life basically. God, this sounds like I'm high -- but let's be honest, no one reads this so I'm not 100% sure why I write this stuff... but I do.
So anyway, the main point of focus is friendships and everything surrounding them. Basically I have no idea how I feel about any friendship I ever made. When I lived in Maryland I didn't make a ton of friends -- but I definitely made some. I've lost contact with every single one of them. Even before that -- when I was on national boards of the UCC I've stopped talking to almost all of my friends from there. Yes, I will admit, I am horrible at keeping in contact. I forget to call, I just don't want to call -- I make new plans, meet new people. Experience life.
So all of my friends from Maryland have virtually disappeared. -- The next step to life after Maryland was Oshkosh. Now, it was definitely not as easy as I would have hoped to make friends in Oshkosh, but I eventually did. Some good friends. Some great friends. People I would consider my best friends. And yet, I have a feeling. A feeling that's more of a fact. Eventually, I will lose contact with them too. I'll suck at staying in touch. I'll move to a new city. I'll change.
My next adventure was Chicago. I can't say I've made a ton of friends but my two best friends here by far are my roommates. They're two of the coolest people I've met. But like every other fucking place I've ever gone to in my entire life -- I know eventually we'll stop talking.
I don't want to stop talking. I can tell them this and we can try to keep in contact as much as possible -- but I know. I know. That it will eventually end.
Friends I made in high school, the ONLY people I ever hung out with senior year, are also fading away. My friend Kim died, and although she wasn't my best friend -- I can say she was definitely a friend. She was a person I lost contact with. We still talked every once in awhile but I moved to Maryland and BAM the relationship stopped being as close. My best friends are changing. We're all moving. Moving in different directions and different places geographically as well. The people I do consider to be my very best friends are really the only people that I even try a little bit to stay in contact.
My next adventure is Arcata, California. Humboldt State University. I know the same exact thing will happen. The. Exact. Same. Thing. I'll make friends. I'll meet some of the coolest people I've ever met. I'll fall in love with these people. I'll want to stay friends forever. But like everyone I've ever met, eventually -- they'll be gone.
Now my number one problem is I suck at continuing conversation with people. But I honestly believe that in every single friendship I've ever made, I've always needed them more than they've needed me. All of my friends have had other friends to hang out with. Other people to do stuff with. I, on the other have, almost always only have them, making the relationship short and me to move on to the next person or group of people.
When Chicago finishes up, my roommates are both moving back to their schools, and they cannot wait. I'm not that excited. I'm not even that excited at all. Once I get to CA it might be a different story. But as for right now, they can't wait to get back together with their friends. Like every other friend I've ever made, I need them more than they need me.
It's depressing to a certain extent but like I always do, I'll meet new people. Become their friends. Make friends with their friends. Move. Lose the friendship.
I'm good at making friends. I suck at keeping them. I have a really hard time. Ever. Having. A. Really. Long. Awesome. Relationship. With. Nearly. Anyone...
People mean a lot to me. But I sort of feel that there is a very select few people that I mean a lot too. That sounds emo as hell, but it's honestly true. Can everyone really be that great at having a large group of friends? I for one, am not.
Posted by MonroeO at 1:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A photo. A note.
I thought I was doing good.
I thought I was doing great.
I was perfect
I tagged you in a note
...A few months ago.
-- Almost a year.
It asked me what I would do
If you died.
Did you ever read that note?
Part of me hopes you ignored it
Another part of me hopes you did
So you would know how I feel
I started the answer with
"What kind of question is that?"
I could have just deleted that question
I could have rewritten it
To make it ask something normal
But I didn't
I continued with
"I'd be sad"
And what I meant was "horrified".
I finished with
A stupid
Frown face
And "No more movie nights"
Did you ever read that note?
I kind of hope you did.
I cleaned part of my room today
I cleared things off my desk
-- Things I completely forgot about
A James Dean calender
...A couple of gay rights buttons
A photo of us.
It was of that day we all
Went to Powers Bluff
I remember we had a lot
Of fun.
We were freezing
I bought hot chocolate
But I don't remember a single thing
You said.
I should have brought a pen and paper
To write every word down.
But I didn't
I thought I was doing good.
I thought I was doing great.
I was doing perfect.
And then I read that note.
And then I saw that photo.
I'll always miss you, Kim
Posted by MonroeO at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
I took a photo of us
I'm almost ready to say
"I miss you"
But you can't miss someone who isn't gone.
And you aren't gone.
Didn't we all silently say
We'd be friends forever?
I'm sure someone said that
Or maybe we all just
I went to your house the other day
And hung out with all of our friends
I know you were there
You had to be
I took a photo of us
A little while back
You're kissing me on the cheek
I can still feel that kiss
I'm positive it's still there
Your lips are definitely
On my face
I stepped outside a store today,
One of your favorites,
And something happened
That's never happened before
I felt the wind
And heard your voice
I knew you'll be with us
Posted by MonroeO at 7:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
I'm 2 hours away
From seeing our friends
Without you
It's been 2 days
Instead of crying
Or talking about you
We'll probably just pretend
You're there with us
Maybe we won't be pretending
Maybe you are with us
Let us know somehow
I want to hear you laugh
In the wind
Or see your face
In the pond
Try you hardest to be there tonight
It'll make it so much
Promise me you'll try?
We'll wait for hours
So you better show up
You promised
Posted by MonroeO at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I know you can read this...
I wish I would have known
And could have said goodbye
To tell you
You were a really good friend
Thanks for everything
Coming to my house to watch movies
Going on that trip
To go tubeing
Carving pumpkins
Even though mine turned out terribly
The Golden Compass in your basement
And being so upset
When there wasn't a 2nd
Thanks for being there
To we could hang out
You were one of the only people
That kept me sane in this
Stupid town
I know you can read this
And see what I'm writing
So I'd like to tell you
I'll miss you
I love you
I'll never forget you.
Love always,
Posted by MonroeO at 12:56 AM 0 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010
Christians, when it comes to homosexuality, man up.
This is a blog post from one of my favorite bloggers John Shore who's blogs are about how to be a Christian realistically and not a wacko. Since I know that who ever reads this will have a fairly short attention span, I'll cut out the parts that aren't that important. Enjoy :)
“We’re all sinners,” runs the refrain. “We all struggle to overcome our sinful ways. Homosexuality is a sin. Just like all of us must strive to control our sinful behavior, so the homosexual must strive to overcome his or her sexual predilection. Even if a person is born gay or lesbian — even if homosexuality is genetic — a homosexual must still strive to overcome the ungodly behaviors toward which he or she is inclined, the same as we all must overcome our lower nature in order to realize our highest.”
That proposition is so logically flawed it should embarrass any Christian who hears it, let alone says it. It completely ignores the crucial, absolute difference between homosexuality and the other sins people typically struggle against committing, which is that committing virtually every kind of sin except homosexuality objectively and tangibly hurts someone. If you lie, steal, cheat, rob, have an extramarital affair, are too greedy, are too selfish, waste your family’s money, and/or do any other kind of sin you can think of, someone, in no uncertain or abstract terms, gets hurt. That rule never changes, and it has as much to do with theology or philosophy as a brick to the head has to do with architecture.
But you take the Bible out of the equation, and what grounds is there for determining that homosexuality is wrong? Who does such love hurt? When two men are affectionately holding hands, who is getting hurt? When two women are snuggling together on their couch watching TV, who is being hurt?
Virtually all other behaviors Christians typically considered sinful can be readily understood as objectively and clearly wrong without any reference to the Bible. But you take the Bible out of a Christian’s hands, and he has no arrow left to shoot at the gay man or lesbian. He’s without recourse, justification, argument. Without his Bible to quote from, he has virtually nothing upon which to base his claim that homosexuality is wrong.
A dim-witted child could see that homosexuality isn’t the same as other kinds of sins. It’s distinctly, absolutely, categorically different. [H]omosexuality shouldn’t be classified as a sin, because it doesn’t meet the first, most important criterion of being a sin, which is manifestly causing harm.
I’m a Christian, and no two ways about it. But I can’t be a Christian so severely lacking in logical powers that I don’t notice the difference between homosexuality and all the other kinds of sins anyone’s always doing. The latter hurts people; the former doesn’t. They’re that far apart.
Also, it’s high time Christians were honest about the fact that asserting that homosexuals should stop acting homosexual necessarily means asserting that they should spend their lives never knowing the loving intimacy with another that straight people enjoy and know to be the best and richest experience in life. Asking a homosexual to give up homosexual love isn’t at all like asking him to give up booze, or greed, or any other such negative thing. It’s asking him to give up love.
I hear a lot of Christians asserting that gays and lesbians should stop acting like gays and lesbians. But I never hear any of them saying the unavoidable follow-up to that — saying what that actually means — which is that gay and lesbian men and women should spend their lives never experiencing what people most commonly mean when they use the word “love.”
When, all along, the Bible couldn’t be more clear about love being the primary characteristic of God. (1 John 4:8: “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.” 1 John 4:16: “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.”)
Something is seriously wrong somewhere in the mix between Christians and Christianity. (And it’s spelled Paul — whom I love, but about whom we really should be more clear. But that’s for another post.)
I want to be the very best Christian I can. And that means being as scrupulously honest as I can. And on the topic of homosexuality, that means admitting that being gay is not like any other sin, and that the Christian proscription of homosexuality is nothing less than a call for anyone who is gay to live their entire life never experiencing the physical expressions of love that all of we straight people happily accept as one of the very best things about being alive. Those two things are true, no matter how many logic-challenged pastors daring to call themselves compassionate Bible lovers claim otherwise.
I didn't cut out that much but if you'd like to read the whole thing, here's the link:
Posted by MonroeO at 2:30 PM 0 comments
That Green Vase
Remember that green vase?
You know, the one that was always on the top shelf
Of that cupboard you had to go to,
To get the bowls made specifically for cereal?
I kind of want it.
Not to do anything normal with
Like put flowers in it, or leaves
Or crumpled up pieces of paper with your name on it
But put it in some elderly couple’s lawn
An elderly couple that hired shitty lawn service
So the 7th grader who got a summer job cutting their grass
Wouldn’t come that often
Their grass would be so tall that if you stuck the vase
In the middle of the lawn,
It’d cover it up completely.
Then when that stupid lawn boy comes, he’ll run it over
And cut his leg, or break the lawnmower or something.
That’d be a story to tell the grandkids.
Maybe I’d take it to the Antique Road Show
It’s got to be at least 30 years old by now
That’s an antique, right?
I’d probably get on TV
They’d ask me how much I thought it was
I’d say $50,000 and they’d chuckle to themselves
And tell me, “No no no no no, $25”
It’d probably less than $25… maybe 24
If it was at an antique store it’d probably be on the
“Free Crap” shelf
Maybe it’d say “shit” instead of “crap”
No one would buy it
Until I searched through all the antique stores in town
And I found it
And finally it’d be put in that young couple’s lawn
Where it belongs.
I don’t think I ever saw it outside that cupboard
In your house
In the kitchen
Right above those soup bowls
Or were they cereal bowls?
I can’t remember anymore
Besides that one time.
I was at a party you were having
When your parents were out of town
And I asked you why it was out of the cupboard
And you didn’t answer
And the next morning we woke up
And some kid put some beer and a few popcorn kernels in it.
I personally thought it was ingenious,
It finally was getting used for something important,
But I remember you were pretty pissed about it
You cleaned it
For at least an hour
More like ten minutes
Actually, I think I was the one that cleaned it.
You never told me why you took it out
You probably wanted someone to take it
And break it
And make it into an art piece or something stupid like that
If I ever find that vase
That used to be in your closet
With the Christmas decorations
That's where your dad put it, right?
I’m not sure what I’d do
Probably not put it in that farmer’s field
For a tractor to destroy as he made hay
Or harvested corn
Maybe I’d put it in my house
And after a couple years
Take it out of wherever I stored it
And put a couple flowers in it
If you came by, I wonder if you’d recognize it
Outside your house
Without wine in it
Or whatever that red head put in it
At that party you had
In the summer of our junior year
Maybe I’d take it out
At my son’s 5th birthday
And stick a rock tied to balloons filled with helium in it
One if his friends would probably grab it
And break it.
Maybe it’d have to be at his 3rd birthday
Maybe it’d be at my daughters
Or the baby shower I was throwing
What if the kid I get
Isn’t a baby
Can I still throw a baby shower?
I just want free crap from my friends
Hopefully not that stupid vase
But with my luck someone would have found it by then
And thought it was a great gift
An antique
Worth more than $25
I wonder if you’d be there
And notice it
Outside of your house
Outside of your cupboad
Right above those bowls
Made specifically for cereal
Do you remember that green vase
At all?
Posted by MonroeO at 5:03 AM 0 comments
Maybe I'll Swim
I'd like a better plan
Than the one I have now
I wish I could say I had my whole life planned out
And be happily surprised when something
Unexpected happened.
That'd certainly be nice.
I found a quote.
I'll tell you right now...
"Part of life,
it seems,
is starting over again and again,
each time a little smarter than the last.
It's frustrating but,
and I'm guessing here,
ultimately rewarding."
I wrote it somewhere public
And lied about who it was from
I said it was from a Christian
Who I like almost everything he writes about
When really,
It's about a guy's who's profession
Is unhealthy
And fairly unaccepted by society
Unless you're in Washington D.C.
Or San Francisco
Or somewhere else
Where no one cares what you do
It doesn't matter,
Who cares?
It's a good quote
From a shady guy
Who's name I'll forget in a month.
I wish the next time I started my life over
Or maybe the next time after that
I had a reason to swim
I wish I was good at it
What a strange thing to wish
What a strange wish to wish
Maybe I'll swim
...but probably not
I'd love to tell that to someone,
To muster up motivation to achieve that goal
But truth be told,
It's not something I want in my plan
The plan I want to go horribly wrong.
Who knows though,
Something might come up
Where it fits perfectly
The next time I start my life over,
Maybe I'll swim...
Posted by MonroeO at 1:02 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
I'd Sing Something Back
Say something unexpected
Say something you've never said before
Tell me a story
You've told me 100 times,
I'd like it just the same.
Whisper a secret across the lake
Light a cigarette
Sit down
Say it loud enough that I can hear it
But not too loud,
No one else needs to know
I'll find a bench
I'll find a chair
I'll find something to sit on
So I don't have to swim across the lake to see you
I'd sing something back
But I've already told you everything I feel like sharing
I think I heard you
I think I heard the secret you tried to whisper
Across the lake
Is it true?
Am I really the first person you've told that to?
I wish you have said it underwater
So I could pretend I heard it
But really I wouldn't have understood
I see you light another cigarette
I get up to leave
It's about time you said something
That didn't remind me of a cardboard box
Filled with
Posted by MonroeO at 10:57 PM 0 comments
I'm ending with
I'm writing this all down
from start to finish
I'll start with
"I'll miss you"
You'll read this later.
I'm writing more down
continuing with
"Will you miss me too?"
You'll probably never find this.
I've got more to say,
"You'll lose my number
I forgot to save yours"
You'll have stopped reading by now.
I'm almost done,
just a little more,
"I can't remember if I said
goodbye or not,
I guess it doesn't matter."
I'm done now
I've finished
I'm ending with
"i'll miss you."
Posted by MonroeO at 10:57 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
Saying Goodbye
I have one week left.
To say goodbye
If I could do it all over, I would.
In a second
I'd accept that my best friends back home
Don't have to be my only friends
I'd accept that
I might meet some people that really like me
That might want to be my friends
If I could have only given them a chance
As I sit here and write this
I think about how initially
I wanted to be anywhere but here,
I consider staying
I consider throwing away all my plans.
I think about it so hard
That I forget that even if I stayed,
Nothing would stay the same.
Nothing ever stays the same
People move on with their lives
They move to different cities
Move to different schools
Make new friends
Get new jobs
And yet, I know saying goodbye
Isn't going to be as easy as I would have
Thought it to be
So I'm going to say it a week early.
To save me from the feelings I would have otherwise felt
I'm going to say it right now
Right this very second.
I'm ready....
I can't do it.
Get back to me in a week.
Posted by MonroeO at 1:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I didn't
I didn't think about you today
I didn't write a poem
For people to guess
If it was about you
I didn't talk about you
To people who don't know you
Or don't care about you
Or have never even
Met you before
I was eating dinner
At a busy restaurant
At night
And for some reason you decided
That would be the
To text me
And ask me "What's up?"
So I reply
And you never answer back
Not really sure
What I was actually expecting back
Sometimes I wonder
How you live your life
And then I remember
You're really not...
Posted by MonroeO at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 16, 2010
A boy once asked me
If this is dangerous,
What do you consider dancing?
Posted by MonroeO at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 12, 2010
A Lady With Orange Hair
One time
A lady
Asked me
"Why do you do
The things you do?"
And I didn't really
Know how to answer.
"Uhh" was the beginning
Of a huge
"I guess it's fun.
It helps?"
I was trying to convince myself
More than I was
Trying to convince her.
And she said something
That people have said to me
And I never believed them
And I'm not sure
If I'll ever believe another person
It's something
That's hard to accept.
"But why?
You're beautiful.
You're a
And for some reason
I believed her.
She was larger than normal
But I wouldn't say fat
She had dyed her hair
It was extremely unnatural
But I kind of liked it
Along with her fake colored hair
Green eyes.
Colored contacts.
How was I suppose to believe someone
Didn't feel the same
About themselves.
I didn't question her
All I said was
And our conversation
Sort of
After that.
She went on to ask more questions
And tell me about her life.
She said when she was younger
She used to ride
On the top of cars
When they were speeding down the highway
And asked,
"Do you ever do that?"
I wanted to lie again
I wanted to say,
"All the time.
I love it.
I can't wait to do it again
Once this boring ass
But I didn't...
I think she was sort of
Embarrassed after that.
She felt like she shared
A huge
With me
Something she hadn't talked about
In quite some time
Maybe that was something
That my generation
Was into."
Her generation?
How old was she?
I never really looked at her face
Her hair
and eyes,
Were too distracting
It was a cover up
She was definitely
From something.
Her generation.
What did that even mean?
Could she be that different from me?
Just because she grew up
A couple decades
Before me?
Although I know
I'll never see her again
And although our conversation
Was short
And a little
Uncomfortable at times
She changed me
She changed something in me
That I can't really
Put a finger on
She was the first person
Who told me I was
Good looking
Kind of
Sort of
Just a little bit
Believed her
Posted by MonroeO at 7:57 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 4, 2010
The reason I love Barack Obama.,,
Skip to 1:20
Posted by MonroeO at 10:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 29, 2010
Oklahoma accidently passed the wrong hate-filled Hate Crimes Bill
Article from
Lawmakers in Oklahoma thought they’d figured out a way to exempt the state from enforcing the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Act, which added protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity to the federal hate crimes act. But thanks to “a legislative error,” the Oklahoma senate has instead passed a bill that sidesteps protections based on race and religion.
Senate Bill 1965, passed on March 10, states that local enforcement agencies should not enforce any sections of federal law listed under Title 18 U.S. Code Section 245 unless they are already covered by state law. But it’s Section 249, not 245, where sexual orientation and gender identity protections are listed. Section 245 outlines protections based on race and religion.
Now that the mistake has been made public, the bill has little chance of getting through the House, according to Sarah Warbelow, the Human Rights Campaign’s state legislative director. But that’s little solace for Equality Oklahoma president Toby Jenkins.
Posted by MonroeO at 10:27 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 20, 2010
This Week...
So, this week I will be venturing off to Laguna Beach CA with my bff Lauren and obviously her mom as well. It'll be a fun packed adventure full of who knows what. I'll give you all the good stories when I come back. MUAH
Posted by MonroeO at 1:27 AM 0 comments