Monday, September 20, 2010

Let me put it to you this way,

So here's the deal
This is what it all boils down to
I can't stay at Humboldt
If I want to graduate any where NEAR 4 years...

SO I probably won't be here next semester
I'll probably move back to Osh
And then once I'm there for a little
I'll say "I'm bored of this. I hate the snow"
My parents will say
"You're the one that wanted to come back
You chose to do this
You could have stayed in California"


I know that's exactly what they'll say.
I don't know
I just have a bad thinking in my head
I mean, c'mon

It's just I'm worried I'll say I hate it again
That'd really put in a pickle

Fuck pickles.

Anyway, I also might just transfer to a different school
Within the National Student Exchange

I was thinking

Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff

That's a really liberal town
And I've been there 3 times
2 of them I can remember.

I don't remember THAT much
But, when we stepped out of the car
The temperature was 112 degrees
And I remember thinking "Gosh darnet
That's the highest it's ever been"

At least to me.

Well IDK wtf to do

Maybe I'll go to Arizona
Or maybe I'll go back to Osh
Or MAYBE I'll just stay here

Maybe that..

That might be the easiest
It might make the most sense

I always do this
I move somewhere
After a couple weeks
I'll say I want t o leave

I'll say I want to go to a different state

And then I'll just stick with it
That's just what I'll do

I might go home at semester though
I need everyone there

I know I'm going to hate it
But I just need a school
That I know cares about me

You know what I'm saying

Now I can start going back to the LGBT meetings
On campus

After Nick was a dickwad
I stopped going
Because I knew he'd be there
Maybe at semester when I start going
There will be some cute freshman
Who will see me
And want me

Like this music video:

She's the last of the English


Yeah, So I could go to the meetings
And go to Toppers
And come home when I wanted to
And go to the library almost anytime of day
And just be free

I will be transferring back
I've decided
Why am I homesick?
I've never been homesick.
God, that'd be nice
If Wisconsin was warm
and Wisconsin
Was super liberal
And strict gun laws
And gay marriage
And liberal people

And good

But honestly
There are some liberal places
And there are some liberal people
In Madison or something

They have domestic partnerships
Which is 22% of the legal rights
Which is quite a bit honestly

I just want kids really
Isn't that what everyone wants
When they get married
They check them out and think
"Maybe we'll have a family someday"

Doesn't everyone do that?

Idk maybe not...
I just want a fucking boyfriend

And Oshkosh
To be liberal
Super fucking liberal

I know that if the wrong guy becomes governor
They'll strip away our rights

I shouldn't have eaten that food
This close to bed time
Idk how my sleep's going to go

I hate politics

I wish the best guy would win
I honestly with the best girl wins
But that's out of the question

I wish he or she thought just like me

I think my best candidate would be
The governor of Mass

Or Russ Fiengold
Or Obama 10 years ago

He was on the IL floor in 1996 and voted
That gays and lesbians
Should get marriage

And he said yes
And then he became moderate

I hate the term
"Commitment Ceremony"

I like the term "Husband"
I like the term "Wedding"

I would think my mom would know
What I wanted to be called

She also calls my (girl)friend's girlfriend "a friend"like "Is her friend in town" and stuff like that
It's kind of weird.

Anyway I dont think I've got anything else to say


crystal said...

i'd be really happy if you came back. i know that's selfish or whatever but it's how i feel.

brooke said...

agweeee 12318317%